When you light a candle, it's always something special. As if a moment of magical fulfillment envelops you and, holding your breath, you remember, wonder, forget...

A candle is like a key to another dimension of moments. The candle accompanies us throughout our lives and permeates the key rites and elements of the traditions of our ancestors. In ancient times, Ukrainians used candles to fortune-tell, celebrate joyful news or events (weddings), grieve, mourn those who have passed away, remember, make wishes, and bring gifts. In the rites of some annual holidays, rites with candles were an obligatory element. Candles are a key element of the cult of fire and worship of the sun, which among the ancient Slavs possessed the power of rebirth and purification, and the candle became a continuation of this light of the Sun in the home, a talisman.

Through time and space, the use of the candle, although it has not reached us in the understanding of it as a strong amulet, has left the key unchanged essence: the candle serves as an element of purification. During fan power outages, many of us realized that the classics are still unchanged))) That is, there should be a candle in the house, at least banally for lighting. Even further, deep meaningful meanings typical for modernity are layered, such as candles - elements of meditation, creating coziness and home decor, time to be with yourself.

Imagine: you light a candle, turn off the light, distant cars can be heard outside the window, the flame begins to play with shadows on the walls. A warm orange light enveloped your face. You catch one of the shadows with your gaze and watch as a translucent figure dances a light dance. Gradually direct your gaze to the culprit of these movements - the flame of the candle. Your eyes are already used to the semi-darkness and the light attracts your gaze more. Over time, observing the candle, everyday moments and tired moments of the day recede into the background in your thoughts. Gradually, the clarity of the lateral vision narrows only to the clarity of the outlines of the graceful light. The noise of cars and the city outside the window is no longer important, what is happening here and now is important. And this is a slow-moving, almost motionless tail of a candle, you and the silence of darkness....

In this way, after being tired of doubts, hesitations, affairs and the need to make many decisions, you are freed and begin to breathe freely. Just half an hour with a candle is enough to breathe out the day and just BE, feel yourself, and not the noise of this world.

This is what a candle is for ❤️